Teacher-Directed Instruction
Reading Plus offers comprehensive online instruction and printable materials for direct instruction and differentiation. Integrated teaching tools include video tutorials, printable worksheets, graphic organizers, and lesson plans.

Teaching Tools for Differentiation
From the Reading Plus management system, educators can access a wide library of resources to support differentiation at the whole class, small group, and individual level.

Explore Further
Learn how Reading Plus helps students build reading proficiency and become more confident, engaged readers.
Adaptive Assessment
The Reading Plus adaptive assessment, InSight, provides a fast and effective way to determine students’ academic standing and ensure they are on a personalized learning path to success.
Professional Learning
When your school or district joins the Reading Plus community, you partner with our team of dedicated professionals committed to ensuring you have the best possible implementation.
Personalized Learning
Reading Plus customizes instruction for every student by placing students at their just-right levels based on assessment data, and continually adapting to ongoing progress.