eLearning Modules

On the Reading Plus Learn site, educators can find eLearning modules on gearing up for the start of Reading Plus (Pre-Launch/Launch Learning) and continued use over the school year (Instruction and Coaching).
Begin your journey toward understanding and implementing the program by sampling our first three eLearning modules for teachers new to Reading Plus.

Module 1: Why Reading Plus?

Because Reading Plus enables students to build efficiency, it helps them overcome the hidden hurdle to developing silent reading proficiency. By the end of this module, you will be able to describe why efficiency is essential for developing strong comprehension and motivation for reading.

Module 2: The Student Experience

Learn about the assessment and instructional components of Reading Plus. After completing this module, you will be able to briefly describe each of the program components.

Module 3: The Teacher Experience

Learn how Reading Plus has impacted other educators and what the arc of an implementation year looks like. By the end of this module, you will better understand the essential role you play as a teacher, and what you can expect over the course of a year.